Why we need to understand our origins and history before building artificial intelligence

According to ancient Sumerian tablets, a race of beings from another planet called Anunnaki descended on Earth in search of gold. Why they needed gold isn’t clear yet but they needed lots of gold. When the slaves they brought with them to mine for gold revolted, they extracted the genes of pre-human race of beings (Neanderthals, Homo Erectus) and combined with their own genes to create us. This is up for a lot of debate and in Genesis 1:26 in the Bible, God says “let us create them in our own image” where “let us” means there is no one God that created us. I am a believer in this story for two reasons:

1) Our natural tendency to look up when we pray which indicates the Gods we are worshiping came from above us

2) Unlike metals like iron, copper and aluminum, gold is useless to us. Then why take all the effort to mine it and why is it precious to us? Tons of gold have kept in a temple in India under the protection of the temple God for hundreds of years. This means gold is important to the Gods which is why it is precious to us.

Most importantly, the story is an indicator to us that we were created as biological robots to obey our creators. Why didn’t the Gods simply build mechanical robots for mining and why did they take all the effort to engage in genetic engineering to create us? Because they wanted us to think on our own and also have emotional intelligence. Why emotional intelligence? Because they wanted to control us emotionally and not mechanically. How? When we talk about Gods, we do not ask ourselves how did the concept of God and the fear of an unknown all knowing entity became embedded in us. We are in the 21st century and with so much of technological advances we are still under the control of Gods through various religions. There is nothing more advanced, complicated and powerful that can control us than the concept of God.

Do we have a similar controlling mechanism for the intelligent machines we are building? What would happen if AI grew to a point where it could think and act autonomously? The scene in The Matrix where Agent Smith tells Morpheus that human beings are the most dangerous virus on the planet has stuck with me. It is not only true that we do behave like viruses, if intelligence created by us becomes powerful enough to come to such a conclusion, what is shown in the Matrix and Terminator series will become real.

When I see all the excitement and euphoria over what AI can do all it tells me is how blatantly ignorant we are about ourselves and our past. 

Emerging facts about us

What I am going to write in this blog are things that may seem to many to be on the border of insanity. I am expecting very less people to read this, lesser people to comprehend it completely and even fewer people to contemplate over it.  I can guarantee one thing though. For the ones who comprehend at least some part of it and ponder over it, this is going to be a life defining experience. It’s going to quite a long blog, so please bear with me and stay with me.

I grew up listening to mythological stories and rules for living our lives from ancient Indian texts without understanding any of it and making fun of them. The primary reason was ignorance about our planet, about the Universe and about life itself. Those were the times when life outside our planet was never even considered a possibility. When the magnum opus epics Ramayana and Mahabharata were made into TV serials, mere bows and arrows were portrayed as weapons of mass destruction and we used to laugh it off. It was simply impossible to even imagine that there was any species so advanced as to use nuclear weapons so long back. All of that started to change when the existence of extraterrestrial life (ET) began to trickle into the mainstream media. A majority of the people will not be able to wrap their minds around this fact even now, but it is a reality that different alien races have been visiting our planet for thousands of years and have played a very significant role in shaping the destiny of our planet and of humanity. It is only now that everything that has been mentioned in ancient Indian texts has started to make sense.

There is a lot of scientific work that is happening in the western world and especially in the US since World War II. But it so happens that many of the concepts the scientists are working on have already been mentioned in ancient Indian texts. I haven’t read most of these texts but I have a basic understanding of their essence. They have been written in such a way that they cannot be understood directly and recreated or put to use. They have to be interpreted and interpretation needs a frame of reference. We did not have one till now, but advances in science and technology and the acceptance that ET is a reality has made it possible to understand them. I have been thinking for a while to interpret some of them so that the world knows about the knowledge already available to us and we do not have to reinvent the wheel.

It is at this juncture that I stumbled upon a website a couple of days back. From the time the crashed UFO was discovered in New Mexico, commonly known as the Roswell Incident, the US has achieved significant advances in science and technology in quite a short period of time and it would not difficult to comprehend that there is a helping hand behind the curtain, the hand of ET. It is said that there is something called Black Ops in which human and ET intelligence and working together. This is supposedly so secretive in nature that no government agencies have complete knowledge of their activities and it runs like an autonomous body and is funded by top business houses. This information is slowly becoming available to everyone. What I found on the website was a series of 5 interviews done by a news reporter with someone who was working for the Black Ops and had defected. The website link is here  and the interviews are downloadable as a single PDF file from the website. I have to issue a warning here that the information given in the documents is totally mind altering and too much information for our mind to process in it’s present state. I have been going through waves of nausea for the past two days.

Although these interviews were done way back in 1997, its contents were released much later and the last interview was released only this year. This was as per the instructions of the interviewee whose name is Dr. Jamission Neruda. Dr. Neruda has since then disappeared from the radar of the interviewer, Sarah. What I am going to write about is his last interview. If anyone is wondering at this point why I am blindly believing someone, it is simply because many of the facts that Dr. Neruda has revealed in his interviews resonates perfectly with what has been mentioned in ancient Indian texts and also gives a clear understanding to why our world is in such chaos. This is going to sound like a cooked up story or something coming from a hallucinated mind, but there is a powerful message for humanity that is going to follow. I am simply spreading the knowledge with the purpose of enlightening more people.

By working with ET, Dr. Neruda says he gained tremendous knowledge about the history of our planet and of humanity. Eons ago, when the Earth’s core had not solidified completely, the planet was filled with water. It was at this time that Atlanteans used to inhabit the planet. The Atlanteans did not have a physical body and they had life span of thousands of years. During this time, Anunnaki, a highly advanced interdimensional race of beings arrived on Earth to mine for gold. Gold was a very important part of their civilization and existence. But over a period of thousands of years, the Earth’s core started solidifying and the Anunnaki, who were ethereal beings without a physical body were no longer able to mine for gold. Then they created physical beings like robots and coaxed the Atlanteans to enter these physical beings so that they could continue the mining. Dr. Neruda says this was the first version of human beings. These first versions of human beings had no reproductive system and all looked the same. Then Anunnaki developed the second version of human beings that is us, with DNA and reproductive system. They also built an extensive system of birth, death and afterlife so that the Atlantean beings could be recycled in the form of reincarnation. Anunnaki had a fallout with Atlanteans and so when the Anunnaki left Earth eventually, they decided to keep the Atlanteans trapped in human form. So Dr. Neruda claims we are basically Atlanteans in human form and their descendants. Sounds insane? Incredulous? Have no doubt, all of these technologies have been out there from time immemorial, its just that we are not good enough and ready to know about them.

Why I got interested in all of this is because as I mentioned before, I could relate many of the things Dr. Neruda has said to what I know from ancient Indian texts. According to the Vedas, the timeline of humanity is divided broadly into 4 Yugas or Ages. In the first age, human beings had life span of thousands of years which matches perfectly with how Dr. Neruda describes the Atlanteans. Dr. Naruda says “First Source is the Creator of life—the manifest reality of all existence. The Creator lives within life as the infinite spark that connects all life as equals in oneness. It is not here to be humanized. It cannot be humanized, or for that matter, reduced to any other life form or thing.” This must exactly be the reason why Lord Brahma, the creator of the Universe as per Indian texts is not worshiped in any temple in India and there are no idols of Him anywhere. Anu of the Anunnaki resonates with Manu, the creator of human beings and all species in the Universe in Indian texts. Dr. Naruda says “the universe in which we exist is really a hologram projection that was programmed inside our unconscious mind and we’re really inside this hologram, wearing a human uniform that was outfitted to perceive only this hologram. The real Universe is sound. Everything is sound and resonance of sound.” Absolutely true when it comes to Om, the one sound that represents the Universe and permeates throughout the Universe. Dr. Naruda has said about our planet being filled with water initially, how the Annunaki were unable to mine gold from our planet thousands of years after they first came because the earth’s core had solidified and how Anu left our planet because it was no longer possible for Anu to continue staying on our planet in his physical form. This can probably explain the 9 different incarnations of Lord Vishnu. How the incarnations started off as water animals and became human forms later may be a reflection of the different conditions of our planet and the Universe through time. These are just a few of the many parallels I could draw between Dr. Naruda’s words and the Indian texts. Then there is the creation of humans as mentioned in the Book of Genesis and the descriptions of Adam and Eve which match exactly with the Anunnaki’s creation of human beings with reproductive system. Our Anunnaki connection and their need for gold establishes why gold is precious to us, because it was precious to them.

Above all of this, there is something infinitely more powerful and dangerous lurking within us.The DNA code in our body. Dr. Naruda says it was programmed by the Anunnaki. It would be completely ridiculous that with so much knowledge of technology we have now, if we still believe we evolved from monkeys as per Darwin’s theory. If we look at our body, it is impossible to imagine that such precise and synchronised body functions with such advanced intelligence could have simply evolved. We were created and that is why we see such dexterity in our own physical being. When the Anunnaki left the Earth, presumably because as per Dr. Naruda, the Earth had solidified so much that it was impossible for Anunnaki to stay any longer, they saw the opportunity to enslave humanity forever. Dr. Naruda says that our DNA has been encoded in such a way that humanity will never be able to unite for a cause. We have been programmed to create divides in our own society. Our society is getting more and more fragmented our society more as time goes by. But why? Dr. Naruda says Anu intends to return to our planet when the earth’s conditions are much more favourable to his ethereal form and he intends to portray himself as humanity’s saviour with the hidden agenda to enslave us forever.

It is obvious what Dr. Neruda means by separation among us. We are not part of the food chain and we do not conform to rules of the ecosystem. All species on the planet procreate for their survival and to maintain their dominance on the planet. We have crossed that threshold long back and still we procreate. Why? Because we have that undying need to dominate and once domination over other species was complete, we started creating differences among ourselves in terms of religion, caste, race and colour and started dominating one over the other. Now new differences based on money, such as upper middle class, middle class, affluent class and below poverty line have been created. The lines of separation are only increasing with time. There is one very powerful example in the present world that can illustrate how this deception has been coded into our DNA and is working so perfectly. In India, after years of massive corruption, a political activist, Arvind Kejriwal stood up against the bureaucracy and the government and all political parties conspired against him. I was never able to comprehend the fact that when a man is standing up and trying to bring honesty and transparency into the country’s governance, even large portions of the educated people in the country are against him, ridiculing him and trying to find fault in him. It only means people want to live with corruption because they are also corrupt. All this time, I was thinking it was the problem with the people’s mindset, but now it has become clear. The problem is in our design itself.

I hear many people talk about spiritual awakening, but I believe it is time for us to do some serious introspection. Even if we can discount everything that I have written above, just look at how we are leading our lives. We have made our lives into a mad race, a race after fortune and fame. Everybody calculates the cost of doing something, but no one gives any significance to the physical effort on our body and the stress caused on our mind. This is why hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are thriving, because we make ourselves sitting ducks for them. Our never ending need for one-upmanship over one another has destroyed our morality. It is one thing to have friendly banters but when money is attached to it, it becomes deadly. We know stories of how the crowd used to cheer wildly and support the gladiators during their duels 3000 years back. We are in the 21st century and see how the crowd supports opposing teams fanatically in football matches and indulge in hooliganism. Fundamentally, nothing has changed about us. Why? Because we were created this way.

Only 3% of our DNA has been decoded and understood till now. Knowledge about the rest 97% still remains elusive. I do not believe most of it can be unlocked in medical labs. It is probably how we position ourselves in the world, the actions we choose to take and how we choose to react to situations that will trigger these DNA functionalities. It is one thing to evolve into beings that are promiscuous and are constantly seeking one- upmanship, fortune and fame. It is completely another thing to be programmed into becoming such beings. Our intent should not be to see spiritual awakening as a war against Anu and his devious schemes. We should see this as a long drawn battle with ourselves, to break free from all the constraints and divides we have created among and within ourselves. It is time we started looking at ourselves without the separation in terms of money, fame, religion, caste, creed, colour, politics and every other factor that divides us. Let us not make any of these factors influence the way we compete with each other. This would be the best way to improve our lives. Dr. Neruda says the Creator collects all positive and negative experiences from the Universe and adds to His library of knowledge so that He can constantly improve the Universe. Let’s send out some very powerful positive messages to Him.