Human mind – humanity’s final frontier?

Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries we have to solve is what the human mind is. I have always been fascinated by this subject because the whole world of art, be it painting, music or any other form, everything comes from our mind’s ability to imagine and bring them to life. We still haven’t been able to fathom either the expanse of our minds or it’s abilities.

It is said that nothing moves faster than the human mind. What is it exactly? It exists neither in our heart nor in our brain. In fact, it has no physical existence. Is our mind the soul? No, I believe the soul is the energy from the cosmos that powers our body. When an embryo is formed inside a woman’s womb, does it have a mind? No. It gets created as we start experiencing life. So the more we experience life the more our minds develop and evolve. What makes our minds so complex? I believe it must be because of two reasons. 1) The extremely complex wiring within our brain which allows us to analyze everything we experience through our 5 senses and 2) the even more intricate system of emotions and hormones which adds to the complexity of whatever the brain analyzes. It gets even more complicated when we put our emotions out there before facts and commonsense and eventually the data that the brain gets to analyze is already mixed and mashed up with our emotions. Consequences of this are road rage, abuse on social media networks, etc.

It is also said that our mind is one of the most powerful creations in the Universe and if focused enough it can even connect with the creator of the cosmos itself. There is ample proof of this. It has been known for thousands of years that we have the ability to do remote viewing which means we can use our mind to see what is happening at a remote location. This is mentioned in the Indian epic Mahabharata where Sanjay the charioteer of the blind king Dhritharashtra narrates the battle of Kurukshethra to him for 18 days using remote viewing abilities. Remote viewing is being secretly experimented by government organizations for decades now and one of Saturn’s rings was in fact discovered through remote viewing.

We all know Newton was the first to uncover the secrets of earth’s gravity. Or was he? Gravity was something that ancient civilizations knew about as per ancient Indian texts. When we talk about ancient civilizations, lets take the example of Lord Rama and the Ramayana. Lord Rama has been described as someone who arms supposedly extended below his knees.  So what was he? The answer is simple. He did not belong to the Homo Sapiens species. All the so called mythological characters have been depicted as human beings for our easy understanding. So can I say here that Newton was the first human or the first of the Homo Sapiens to discover gravity? But wait, there is a catch here. If our ancients knew about gravity, the knowledge about it is already present somewhere in the cosmos. Gravity is one of the fulcrums on which the Universe itself exists so it must have been known from the time the Universe was created. It would be ludicrous to think that in the millions or billions of years of the existence of the Universe, something like gravity was discovered in an obscure corner of the Universe by someone who did not even knew his own planet properly. Ancient texts talk about a cosmic knowledge repository that collects knowledge about everything that is happening in the Universe. It is called Akashic records. So the knowledge of gravity must be present in these records. What if Newton’s mind was opened wide enough and connected to these records? What if he was the delivery man who was chosen to pass on the knowledge of gravity to the present world? The great mathematician Ramanujan had revealed that all his brilliant mathematical discoveries were revealed to him in his dreams by the local deity whom he used to worship.

Whatever science fiction stories people have been fantasizing for so long are slowly becoming realities as we progress technologically and learn more about science and the Universe. It is an open secret now that alien life exists that are immensely more evolved and technologically advanced than us. If our minds are so powerful as it has been claimed, why is it not possible that our minds are actually creating everything we imagine, in another dimension or Universe? Is this the reason why our minds are said to have so much power, that our minds have the ability of creation? Or is it possible that these people’s minds are being opened out to events that are happening or have happened in the vast expanse of the Universe? How else can the creation of all the bizarre comic characters be explained? Superman’s character was created a long time back around his beginning on a distant habitable planet in another part of the Universe and how he was rocketed out from the planet that had been destroyed by wars and was nearing its end. Our planet faces the same fate and we are on the same road. How were the creators of Superman able to imagine all of this so vividly? Was the Universe or someone out there sending us a clear message about the fate of our planet by planting this idea in the minds of Superman’s creators?

I have always been careful when it comes to matters of the human mind. I have no idea what energy I am sending out to the Universe, what I am possibly creating with my thoughts and assumptions and how it will affect other people. They say if we truly wish for something and put our mind into it completely, the entire Universe will come together to fulfill it. This could potentially be a double edged sword. It is a known fact in psychology that if my intent to kill someone was made with my mind completely into the deed, be it in grief or vengeance or any other emotion, that person will die by my hands eventually. I am an objective thinker by instinct because emotions cloud judgement and prevents us from taking the most appropriate decision for the situation. Then there is what we call as the gut instinct. It is nothing but our mind showing us the road ahead. Distorted emotions created by the complicated life we lead in the society does not allow us to follow what our mind tells us in every situation. Ever wondered why we have the abilities of both the mind as well as that of communication? Probably our greatest conquest or final frontier is our own mind itself and if we understand this and succeed, we will no longer need any other forms of communication (Vimanas were flown with the minds according to ancient Indian texts so it is possible). Till then, we are going to see and hear about many more stories like that of Romeo and Juliet.