Why all the hatemongering is doomed to fail

This goes out to everyone who is spreading hate and keeping humanity divided for their own benefits. Before I get into what fate awaits them, I need to take a quick look back at our recent history. Documents have emerged claiming that business houses funded both sides during World War I and II. Didn’t surprise me one bit. War is the best way for business houses to increase their revenue. Weapons manufacturers make a windfall during the war and once the war is over, rebuilding starts and banks take over. Cold war, Korean War, Vietnam, Afghanistan, they were all created for these purposes. The fall of Soviet Union and end of Cold war ended their money making spree to a considerable extent. Conflicts exist all around the world at smaller levels, but they need the big ones to make big money. So they manufactured 9/11 and from the chaos that got created in the Middle East, they created the entity called ISIS. Think of this. If the world truly considered ISIS a threat to humanity’s existence, how much time would it take for the superpowers to eliminate them? Then why do they still exist? Poor guys don’t even know they are mere pawns in a greater game of vile and deceit and they will be wiped out once their purpose is served.

The other means of hatemongering is through religion. I had an interesting bit of conversation about this with someone. What is religion and what do religious books really talk about? We need to look at this from a higher perspective. A top down view will show us that Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and all other religions have essentially created communities. The so called religious books prescribe certain rules for each community. Being part of communities help people to live in order with some sense of equality without constantly fighting with each other. For example, Quran stipulates that every earning Muslim donate 2% of his/her earnings as charity. But this is not a perfect world and we have intra and inter community conflicts going on all the time. This loops back to making money for the business houses. Religion is another tool they have used effectively to roll their money churning machines forward. But the trouble makers constitute only 5-10% of the total population of each religion, so the vast majority of humanity has been improving through time.

Now the fate that awaits the hatemongers. Every religious text talks about an impending Armageddon and the arrival of a Messiah to save humanity. This has been mentioned consistently across all religious texts which means something massive that will create radical changes to humanity as a whole is on the way. This is where we need to see the connection. By creating communities, religions have been making us evolve and prepare us for something that is beyond our comprehension now. When all religions talk about the arrival of the Messiah, it means the religions are all converging to one single point and all religions, no matter what rules each one follows is preparing us to get to that single point. When we reach that point of singularity, money, religion, caste, race, politics, none of this will have any relevance. No barriers will exist that can separate us from one another.

Armageddon is not the end of the world; it is the end of the world as we know it. A higher entity is supposed to come to create a new world order and judge each one of us for our actions and intent. Hatemongers, keep this in mind. Nothing lasts forever, not even all the mighty things you believe you are doing now. No amount of money or power is going to help you escape from the point of singularity. Your existence won’t even be a tiny blot on the cosmic timeline. Now you can continue on your mission to make more money and get more power over fellow beings. The Universe needs equal doses of positive and negative energy to maintain its balance so you are meant to supply negative energy to the Universe for now. If science says everything is created from the vibration of atoms, every experience that we go through must also be creating atomic vibrations. All that we experience must have some significance at some higher level. If we can talk about Big Data from the data we are creating, why can’t there be Big Data from our experiences at the cosmic level? What if the Universe in itself is learning and evolving through its own Big Data analytics? This, for me, is the point of singularity. So hatemongers, continue your tirade. Your end is not far away.

A disguise beyond comprehension

I believe it’s high time we started looking at our world, at our history and at humanity as a whole from new perspectives. There are many things about us and our world which are not right. I am sure there are plenty of people out there who must be having the same feeling as me. This assumed much greater significance for me when a daming revelation detailed how Indian governments have been funding separatists in the Kashmir region. Kashmir has been on the precipice from the time Pakistan was carved out of India and both countries gained independence from British colonial rule. To which country should Kashmir belong has been the bone of contention between the two countries with separatists, presumably with the support of Pakistan governments have been creating unrest in the region with terrorism. This latest revelation has come as a shocker, because it defies logic that Indian governments have been supporting the very people who are infusing trouble and killing fellow Indians. The question to ask here is, who benefits from this.

The answer is spread out all over our history. I have always wondered how could Adolf Hitler, a virtual nobody, rise up enough to become the undisputed leader of Germany and wage war with the world for 6 long years. Sure, he had Italy and Japan for support, but we also need to look at other pertinent facts as well. Germany was thoroughly defeated in World War I and the Treaty of Versailles had humiliated them and stripped them off a lot of their money and resources. Then followed the Great Depression of 1929. So the question is, where did Hitler find this phenomenal amount of money to fight such a massive war. For all that he has done, I used to admire him for rallying a country around him. But turns out that there is a lot more to it. I have been reading many articles lately which are putting the blame for all conflicts on the banking and financial institutions. Come to think of it, who benefits more than them from conflicts and wars? From making every bullet to guns to military tanks to figher jets, everything costs money. Then the elephatine cost of rebuilding after a war. This would make a lot of sense when we look at every conflict the US has been a part of. Why would they go all the way to Afghanistan to train and arm the resistance fighters waging war against the Soviet Union and leave behind so much of arms and ammunition behind in Afghanistan and Pakistan when they knew what could happen when these arms end up in the hands of Afghan and Pashtun warlords? All of this was shown clearly in the first movie of the Iron Man series, that the same company which manufactures and supplies weapons to the US government is supplying weapons to the very terrorist groups against whom the US is fighting. Looks like the truth is not far from it. Undoubtedly, the US government must be knowing about this, then why are they powerless to stop it? Simply because the stakes are much higher. A simple question is, why are all countries in the world in so much debt? The US has debt that runs into trillions of dollars. Whom do we actually owe all this money to?

When we look back at our history closely, interesting details emerge. We have seen new religions spring up from time to time which have claimed their origins to offset the negativities of older religions and improve mankind. But has that been the case? We have been fragmented further in the name of religion and God. Every religion has it’s own interpretation of God, but how was it that we ended up fighting one another in the name of God? It is said that Jesus and Prophet Mohammad received divine instructions from God to separate a group of people from the rest and lead them into a new way of life. If this was indeed done by God, why would God fragment us in His name rather than uniting us? Why would we have a few people like Newton, Einstein and others who would just pop out of nowhere and change the course of mankind’s history with their discoveries? Doesn’t all of this look suspicious when put together? Is mankind’s history being managed and manipulated by someone or something beyond our realm of understanding and knowledge? Are we being led to a certain point where we will self destruct and end? Are there powers that want us to stay fragmented and keep fighting one another so that they can conquer and rule over us? Or are there benign forces that are testing our character and resilience and want to see if we can survive all the odds and become better beings?

Are we living in a Matrix or a world of Maya as ancient Indian texts say? It is a question that has challenged many minds. Even if we are, there are no red and blue pills like it is shown in the movie. The pills are human intelligence and commonsense. I am sure there are people who will say, “we are not affected by anything so why should we care”? Well, everyone in the world is. Is there a single human being having no issues, physically or financially or in any other ways? The eyes of dogs on streets do not show fear or pain, rather it is bewilderment and confusion. There is chaos and sorrow everywhere and no one is able to figure out why. We are living totally detached lives from one another where there is no time for love and companionship. Are we the creators of this disillusionment or are we being led into this? There is no doubt that a system exists to monitor and control us, that’s why we have a life-death cycle. It will be ridiculous to even think that the consequences of our actions will be limited to our planet. We are all made of star dust and we are connected to the Universe, so the consequences of all our actions will be felt throughout the Universe. When the negative energy we create ultimately causes imbalance in the Universe, order will be restored. I believe the real challenge for us is whether we will be able to shed our differences and unite and find the balance with Mother Nature. This may be the ultimate test we are being put to and it may be upon us to prove that human beings as a species is worthy enough to be a part of the Universe.